
Track N Stack Full Year Cash Flow Tracker (2024 - 2025)

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Track N Stack Full Year Cash Flow Tracker (2024 - 2025)

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Do you know where your money goes every month?

Does it ever feel like your money "vanishes" in plain sight?

I used to swipe my debit card at the grocery store and pray it wasn't declined! Now I have several months of expenses in my checking and never have to worry about having enough! It all changed when I developed and starting using this daily cash flow tracker!

After 20 years in finance, and helping dozens of clients reach their financial goals, I found every personal finance "tool" to be lacking in some regard. 

Many were too cumbersome, with tons of fancy charts on graphs, but no real easy way to tell if you're getting ahead. 

Others required you to hand over your login information to a third party and hope your data refreshed properly. 

While others lacked the daily accountability necessary to stick with the habit of tracking expenses. 

Finally, fed up with the options available, I created my own spreadsheet. I had a few things in mind when I started. It had to:

  • Be one sheet/screen
  • Tell me a financial story in 5 seconds or less
  • Take less than 5 minutes per day to update
  • Have a "balance" feature to make sure I entered everything
  • Give me enough detail to make decisions, but not too much to overwhelm
  • No "sign-in"

I'm not a copywriter or an online sales guru. No fancy pitch here. It's a simple tool that you could probably build yourself in an afternoon. If you so desire, go for it! 

I offer this as a solution that will save you a few hours of building your own sheet, PLUS it's backed up by 2 years of testing and my 20 years of experience. Oh, and THOUSANDS of people have used this with great success. 

"I didn't realize I spent so much on food!!"

"OMG, my transportation expenses are out of control!"

Customers typically save around $500 per month using this tracker!! 

Money had become "virtual" or numbers on a screen. When we would spend cash there was a physical component to spending, a thinning wallet was a reminder of how much we had left. 

Spending a $20 bill came with a bit of hurt. 

Not anymore, a simple swipe of a card or tap of the phone and money leaves our account without us ever really noticing. The checking account balance trickles lower every day (or the credit card balances grows bigger). 

Should we go back to cash?? Nah, at least not for most things. Going to the ATM is annoying and paying cash for things like gas is just a pain. So how do we get "in touch" with our money without going full analog?

I love pen and paper for logging expenses, and everyone should try it once. But I found it wasn't sustainable simply because the tallying took longer than I wanted to spend. I can type a few numbers into a spreadsheet no matter how tired I am, but I would often skip the manual entries in a notebook. 

Finally I found a happy midpoint. The daily habit of tracking expenses in my Frugability worksheet and simultaneously balancing my checkbook created a positive feedback loop that, dare I say, became addictive. 

Like doing 25 pushups every morning, it seems hard at first, but soon enough your day doesn't feel the same without it. That's how tracking with this worksheet is. 

A few minutes of entering transactions (just open your banking app and type them in) and you see that sweet "0.00" at the end indicating your account is balanced and you've capture everything. 

What does this worksheet do for you?

We've all heard the phrase "Spend Less Than You Earn"? Right?

Well, this worksheet tells you at one glance whether you are succeeding at that. It tells you the raw truth, are you bringing in more than you spend? Or are you on the path to trouble?

Positive (green) or negative (red) cash flow. At a single glance. 

Cashflow is the lifeblood of our financial lives. Positive cash flow gives us OPTIONS and OPPORTUNITIES while negative cash flow reduces them. 

This tracker will tell you:

  • If you REALLY spend less than you earn
  • Your annual savings rate
  • Your Frugability Factor (how many months expenses are in your account)

One glance and you can see how months worth of expenses you have in your account. Valuable information, right? The goal at the beginning is to get above one month's expenses at all times, eventually shooting for 3 months. 


Every single day when you track, you know exactly where you stand. There's no more guessing, no more wondering if you have enough. 


And motivation.

Red numbers = bad

Green numbers = good

Chase the green.

Aim for a month, then three months cushion.

Never worry about having enough for your bills again. 

This tool transformed my financial life, and has done the same for so many of my coaching clients. 

Now I offer it to you, for less than the cost of a dinner out. 

You don't have to buy it. I prefer that only folks who are serious about changing their lives purchase it. 

I set out on a mission to help people get control of their finances. I don't want your money (ok, a little $ for me would be nice), I want to see you succeed! Your success will sell far more of these trackers than this sales page or email ever will. 

This tracker will shine light on your TRUE financial situation. It might not be pretty. There might be a lot of red - carnage! Don't do this if you aren't willing to face the TRUTH about your spending habits. It's easier to live in denial, trust me, I did it for years!! A daily reminder of bad decisions, like getting shocked. 

BUT, it works!! Once you gut through the reality of your situation you can start to improve it! It has been successful for hundreds of others, see what some of them have to say here!



*Click the link to open the sheet, then click “Make a Copy” so you can have your own version and it is yours to keep forever!

*Enter numbers below orange line only, the rest will take care of itself.

1) Enter income as positive numbers

2) Enter expenses as negative numbers

3) Enter savings as negative numbers (does not impact cash flow)

4) Send me an email with ANY question! I am glad to help!

I want this!

Frugability Full Year Cash Flow Tracker (2024-2025)

Daily Tracking Tool
Save $500+ per month
Money Back Guarantee
30 days
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